Many countries depend on other countries to supply the required foodstuffs and import from other countries to meet this need. Iran's food exports are booming and also due to the climate and fertile soil of our country, Iran has the conditions to produce more food, which can in the future make it one of the world's top exporters in the field of products and food. .
Iran's main food exports include fruits, vegetables, raisins, saffron, dates, dried fruits, nuts, tea, tea, seafood, honey, etc., which are the main export destinations to Iraq, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Syria, Germany. , India, Tajikistan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Turkey.

آینده آسمان دنا تامین پسته
آینده آسمان دنا تامین عسل طبیعی
آینده آسمان دنا تامین زعفران
آینده آسمان دنا تامین خرما صادراتی

For more information and to submit a Food Supply Request, go to Contact Us Please send.

Latest products added:



آبمیوه تتراپک

Tetrapack Juice

تن بوقلمون

Canned turkey

تن ماهی




شیر استریل پرچرب

High-fat sterile milk

رب گوجه فرنگی

Tomato paste